
(Just one moment)

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LVI lavora e produce per la tekno e per IL DUCE – comunicato

Rendiamo pubblico che c’è un locale in via Mattei n 6 e via Larga 15 a Bologna, (lo stesso immobile con doppia entrata), che organizza serate tekno e Psy, attualmente si chiama Venom. L’intera area dell”ex Consorzio agrario è stata data in custodia giudiziaria a Alessandro Lucia, il quale ha documentati legami con la peggiore destra (Lega e Forza Nuova) (emiliantifa.noblogs.org), un’amicizia datata col viceministro Galeazzo Bignami, nonchè candidato con Forza Italia nel 2016. Aveva manifestato l’intenzione di aprire una palestra nella stessa area, è proprietario del marchio di abbigliamento da combattimento “Cattivi si nasce”, autore di post su Fb inneggianti a Mussolini (Zic.it) e post transfobici. (Staffetta.noblogs.org). Sono facilmente reperibili online dei video di costui che nel 2015/16 si interessa all’area e si prodiga da bravo cittadino a “ripulirla” e “riqualificarla” dall’insediamento di un campo nomadi. Da quel momento riceve la custodia giudiziaria dell’area e Lucia da inizio ai suoi affari. (Corriere di Bologna)

Negli anni cambia sempre nome per darsi una nuova aria, ma la sostanza (e l’odore!) non cambianoConsortium, Articolo-24, Venom.. a volte cambiano nome da un evento all’altro, o omettono l’indirizzo per cammuffarsi.. attualmente l’associazione a cui ci si associa all’ingresso si chiama “Cattivi si nasce”. Rendiamo pubblico tutto ciò per informare chiunque frequenti quel posto che non sta andando in un locale qualsiasi ma sta finanziando un conclamato fascista legato alla peggiore destra al governo, proprio quella della legge anti-rave!

Chiediamo la massima diffusione anche per scongiurare che dj e sound vengano coinvolte e collaborino inconsapevolmente con questo locale. Che d’ora in avanti chiunque metta piede in quel posto lo faccia consapevolmente. Per Smash Repression l’antifascismo è uno dei capisaldi non mediabili. Quello non è un locale qualsiasi, non è un posto dei tanti per andare a ballare o tirar su due soldi per chi suona o fitta un impianto!

Invitiamo pertanto tuttə, crew, dj e artisti, a sensibilizzare e diffondere questo messaggio il più possibile. Chi vuole suonare e partecipare a questi eventi sappia e decida da che parte stare.. per noi non c’è e non ci sarà mai spazio per il fascismo né per chi ci collabora.

Smash Repression Emilia Romagna


Link utili:


1) https://emiliantifa.noblogs.org/post/tag/alessandro-lucia/

2) https://zic.it/una-palestra-neofascista-allex-consorzio-agrario/

3) https://staffetta.noblogs.org/post/tag/alessandro-lucia/

canottiera cattivisinsce su profilo Lucia https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02Fq7J3bz7thh6fHVw7m5accWXHPzDANKmZKwZMbAfr56HNgUVf1J5cypiCdi9bEeql&id=100006190599078



This Sound Antiraz 25/2/24 ore 14 @Piazza dell'Unità, Bologna (multi-leng version)







ندعوكم جميعًا، كبارًا وصغارًا، إلى يوم لمواجهة العنصرية من خلال الموسيقى والرقص في قلب بولونينا. نحن نواصل الطرق التي تعارض في هذه الأسابيع القمع المؤسسي والأجواء المضطربة تجاه أولئك الذين يعيشون في الحي في الشوارع والنوادي والساحات، كما حدث مع الموكب الذي اعقب الإغلاق القسريل"Sunshine Pub" وبعد كرنفال الشارع يوم الأحد 18.

نحن نصنع الشوارع آمنة!

القمع المتزايد في بولونينا وفي مناطق شعبية أخرى لا ينشأ فقط على يد هذه الحكومة، بل يدخل في عملية سيطرة وتجديد وطرد للأشخاص ذوي الدخل المحدود على مدى عقود، بمن فيهم أولئك الذين ليس لديهم وثائق قانونية، فضلاً عن الأعمال التجارية الصغيرة وأماكن التجمع التي كانت تراثًا وذاكرة للحي. على العكس، نعتقد أن هذه المساحات هي بالفعل حامية مفيدة ضد العزلة والضائقة الاجتماعية التي يفرضها الفقر.

"أنتم تزخرون بالزخرفة، نحن بالأساس" ليس مجرد شعار، بل هو نهج حياتي نود من خلال مسيرة "ضد القمع" أن نواصله مع افراد وجماعات آخرين لمقاومة منطق السيطرة الاستعمارية والعنصرية والنهب الذي يغير الحي بمزيد من العنف

في 25 فبراير، ابتداءً من الساعة 14، سنحول Piazza dell’Unità إلى نقطة احتجاج موسيقية واحتفالية، تعبيرًا عن إيقاعات وحيوية هذه الشوارع المختلطة التي تحفها هذه المدينة، من قبل ومن أجل الأشخاص الذين يعبرونها كل يوم

"لنكافح من أجل حقوقك! نراكم في 25.. لإسترجاع”Bolognina".



This sound antiraz! 25/2/24 dalle ore 14 @Piazza dell’UNiTA’ (FR)


Nous invitons tous, grands et petits, à une journée pour réaffirmer encore une fois notre NON au racisme institutionnel et à la repression policière avec de la musique et des ballets et solidarité au coeur de la Bolognina. On ajoute des contenus décoloniales et solidales aux parcours qui au cours de ces semaines se sont opposés à la repression institutionnelle, conséquence de la militarisation périodique du quartier, qui voit les résidents et les activités commerciales gérées ou fréquentées par des personnes racialisée comme otage de la gestion urbaine de la ville la plus progréssiste d’Italie.

Les rues sures c’est nous!

Le climat de répression constante dans la Bolognina comme dans des autres quartiers populaires ne nait pas uniquement par volonté de ce gouvernement, mais s’inscrit dans un processus sur plusieurs décennies de surveillance, gentrification et expulsion des personnes les plus défavorisées, irregulières et marginalisées, en faveur de ceux qui ont des activités commerciales aux prix inaccessibles pour toutes les couches sociales auquels la population résidente appartient.


Au contraire, on pense que l'ouverture et l'accessibilité de tous les espaces publics qui sont encore fermés, avec la possibilité d'expérimenter la rue et la lutte contre le profilage racial, peuvent être une solution pour l'isolement et le malaise social résultant d'années de gentrification et du "rien" qui a progressé.. "Vous decor, nous de Coeur" n'est pas seulement un slogan, mais une façon de vivre que nous entendons suivre à travers la voie de Smash Repression avec d'autres personnes et collectives pour contraster les logiques coloniales, racistes et prédatrices de domination qui transforment le quartier avec de plus en plus de violence. Le 25 février, à partir de 14 heures, nous installerons un présidium de protestation, musical et festif sur Piazza dell'Unità, expression des rythmes et de la vitalité qui animent ces rues, par et pour les personnes qui les traversent chaque jour.


Musique live -ateliers et jonglerie – dj set – cuisine populaire – débat antiracist et sur la consommation des drogues et la crimininalisation.


Toutes les couleurs sont belles !!! Réndez-vous le 25… pour reprendre la Bolognina. Ouverture musique live par les garçons du quartier.                            #SmashRacism #SmashAmoIlQuartiere



¡ESTO SUENA ANTIRAZ! 25/2/2024 a partir de las 14h @ Piazza dell'Unità


Invitamos a todos3, jóvenes y mayores, a una día en el que una vez más reafirmamos nuestro NO al racismo institucional y a la represión policial al son de la música y la solidaridad en el corazón del barrio Bolognina. Añadimos contenido decolonial y solidario a los trayectos que en las últimas semanas se han opuesto a la represión institucional, consecuencia de la militarización que periódicamente sufre el barrio, y que ve cómo vecinos y comercios gestionados o frecuentados por personas racializadas son rehenes de la gestión urbanística de la ciudad más progresista de Italia.


Las calles seguras las hacemos nosotrxs!


El clima de represión constante en Bolognina, como en otros barrios populares, no es sólo obra de este gobierno, sino que forma parte de un proceso de décadas de control, gentrificación y expulsión de los menos privilegiados de la ciudad. Por el contrario, creemos que la apertura y la accesibilidad de todos los espacios públicos que aún permanecen cerrados, así como la posibilidad de vivir la calle y la lucha contra el etiquetado racial, pueden ser una solución contra el aislamiento y el malestar social resultantes de años de gentrificación y de la nada que ha avanzado. Voi decoro, noi de Core" no es sólo un eslogan, sino un modus vivendi que a través del camino de Smash Repression pretendemos perseguir junto con otrxs individuxs y colectivxs para hacer frente a las lógicas de dominación coloniales, racistas y depredadoras que están transformando el barrio, con una violencia cada vez mayor. El 25 de febrero, a partir de las 14.00 horas, instalaremos en la Piazza dell'Unità un presidio reivindicativo, musical y festivo, expresión de los ritmos y de la vitalidad que animan estas calles, por y para la gente que las cruza cada día.


Música en directo – talleres y malabares – dj set – cocina popular – debate antiracista y sobre las drogas y la criminalización y consumo en el barrio


¡All Colours Are Beautiful! Nos vemos el 25… para retomarnos la Bolognina. Inauguración música en directo a cargo de lxs regaz del barrio.

#SmashRacism #SmashAmoElBarrio



THIS SOUND ANTIRAZ! 25/2/2024 dalle ore 14 @ Piazza dell’Unità

Invitiamo tutt3, grandi e piccini, ad una giornata in cui ribadire ancora una volta il nostro NO alla razzismo istituzionale ed alla repressione poliziesca a suon di musica e sballetti  e solidarietà nel cuore della Bolognina. Aggiungiamo contenuti decoloniali e solidali ai percorsi che in queste settimane si sono opposti alla repressione istituzionale, conseguenza della militarizzazione periodica del quartiere, e che vede i residenti e le attività commerciali gestite o frequentate da persone razzializzate ostaggio della gestione urbanistica della città più progressista d'Italia.

Le strade sicure Siamo noiAltrE! Il clima di costante repressione in Bolognina come in altre zone popolari non nasce solo per mano di questo Governo, ma si inscrive in un processo decennale di controllo, gentrificazione ed espulsione delle persone meno abbienti, irregolari e marginalizzate, in favore di chi rende le proprie attività commerciali inaccessibili per i prezzi a tutti gli strati sociali a cui appartiene la popolazione  residente.  Invece crediamo che l'apertura e l'accessibilità di tutti gli spazi pubblici ancora chiusi, oltre alla possibilità di vivere le strade, ed il contrasto alla profilazione razziale, possano essere una soluzione  contro l’isolamento e il disagio sociale conseguenti ad anni di  gentrificazione ed al nulla che è avanzato..“Voi decoro, noi de Core” non è solo uno slogan, ma un modus vivendi che attraverso il percorso di Smash Repression intendiamo portare avanti insieme ad altrx singol3 e collettiv3 per  contrastare le logiche di dominio coloniali, razziste e predatorie che trasformano con sempre più violenza il quartiere. Il 25 Febbraio, a partire dalle ore 14 diamo vita a un presidio di protesta, musicale e festante in Piazza dell’Unità, espressione dei ritmi e della vitalità, che animano queste strade, da e per le persone che le attraversano ogni giorno.

Live music – laboratori e giocoleria – dj set – cucina popolare – dibattito antiraZ e sul consumo e spaccio di sostanze e la criminalizzazione nel quartiere.

All Colours Are Beautiful!!! Ci vediamo il 25.. per riprenderci la Bolognina. In apertura live music dax regaz del quartiere. #SmashRacism #SmashAmoIlQuartiere


Follow/segui/sigue/suivez: >> CasaDelMondoSmash Repression ER


On Saturday, April 22, we took to the streets of Bologna in great numbers, as in other cities, all united with the same goal: to say NO to the repression that these years hits harder and harder anyone who opposes this insane model of development, starting with the anti-rave decree that has placed us ourselvesx more under attack than ever before, with absurd punishments and a criminalization aimed at making us pass as the worst evil in society, along with migrants and political activists.

We chose to do that on the days when the liberation from Nazi-fascism was remembered, to reiterate that resisting and fighting is, today as yesterday, important and necessary.

Twenty thousand people – and who knows, many more? – took back the streets against the rhetoric of decorum, decay and security brought forth by the various parties of the right, as well as the "progressive" left that governs the city and the region, rejecting consumerist entertainment and social desertification imposed from above, and claiming another way of being together.

We dance and will continue to do so, to remember that there are those who do not surrend in prisons, on the streets, at the borders, against the racism and sexism that increasingly permeates this society, in public space as well as in private, and against all forms of discrimination.

The days following the street we witnessed, in the press and media, the usual political theater of the various parties, who, as per script, have nothing to say but complain about writing on walls and traffic disruptions. We do not care at all about the plays of these politicians, we fight for the reappropriation of our lives and spaces, to give them another meaning, free from capitalism.

We know that our path, made up of networking experiences and new connections, mutual comprehension and sharing, does not pass by an event alone; it is with this spirit that we will continue to produce initiatives and confrontation, between realities in the region and beyond, with self-managed organizations, crews and solidarity experiences from below.

We will continue to reaffirm our reasons as ravers and dreamers, for the No to a world of prisons and borders, the No to 41 bis, to gender abuse and violence!

The Harm Reduction Network was present during the parade, with the chill out zone, thus creating a moment free of judgment towards substance use that stimulates subjectivities to have a conscious approach.

We created a unique moment, which saw us overflowing into the streets of Bologna and expressing our desire for freedom with no borders: in diversity, a single endless collective body: on the 22nd we saw how the desire to participate and to huddle around our struggle is so great, let us not disperse this extraordinary energy!

We express solidarity with the burned wagon, it could have been any of us, by their side we will dance to make our revolution!


See you soon for more initiatives and moments of confrontation.


Street Rave Parade Vol. II 2023 _ #Smash Guide [EN]


THINK ABOUT BRINGING YOUR PET!, there will be loud music and lots of people.

NO party symbols, c'mon Antifa!

– DO NOT TALK TO THE JOURNALISTS, NOR TO COPS: we are our media,spread the various flyers you find in distribution.

PROTECT the success of the demonstration in the face of the mechanisms of fear of the different and the creation of the imaginary enemy: SMASH REPRESSION!

SELF-PROTECT yourself and PROTECT ANYONE: no form of harassment is acceptable.
Neither hither here nor anywhere else: Individual and collective self-defense.
Creating Safer Spaces is a struggle that you do not delegate; it is individual and collective.

-Beware! if you use substances KEEP YOUR BODY HYDRATED and watch out for nosy eyes. Bring juice and dried fruit with you. You will find special points for HARM REDUCTION, drugs info, chill area. If anyone around you or yourself@ don't feel well, don't panic, you'll find a friend in the nearest wagon to handle the situation.

RESPECT and leave parks, flowerbeds,gardens clean: we are Nature manifesting. Near the sound systems you will find bags for garbage.

…..Enjoy yourself, fight and dance! #smashrepression #streetraveparade #2023

Bologna – Smash Repression – Street Rave Parade Vol.II – April 22, 2023 [EN]

Start from Giardini Margherita/Porta Santo Stefano, 14.00 h
end in Parco Nord, Via Stalingrado, 81, 23:23 h
We are back to the streets after last December's event, when thousands of people, in Italy as in France, poured into the centers of several cities dancing together to the beat of the bpm.
We want to return to dance to affirm that we are not inclined to the commodification and repression of our bodies and wishes. We chose the street to reaffirm that we do not accept, neither the anti-rave law decree, nor the annihilation that affects not-conformable forms of life.
We will parade through the streets of Bologna against the criminalization of dissent and free expression, alongside those who are fighting against a state that seeks to annihilate all forms of opposition and resistance, in the same days when we commemorate the liberation of Emilian cities from the Nazi-fascist invasion..
Our cry is against the society of control and the prison system, we bring our solidarity to Alfredo, Anna, Juan… and to anyone , individuals and collectives, who will not stop fighting despite the heavy prison sentences they have received.
Through self-management we build increasingly safe spaces for everyone, by sharing transfeminist and antiprohibitionist practices; we fight against patriarchal oppression that punishes those who do not become meeks.
We claim the legitimacy of opening up spaces for freedom of initiative and expression, by taking care of our respective subjectivities.
That is why we meet again in the streets and squares
crying 'SMASH REPRESSiON'! Let's give them the party they need! 🙂 🙂 
#SmashRepression ER